Finding your direction What are your goals for this year? I am a strong believer in the idea of a ‘personal Everest’ i.e. everyone needs a big goal in their lives to plan towards and accomplish. The emphasis here is on the word ‘personal’. You don’t need to parachute from the edge of space to … Read more
Tom and Teddy Article
An excellent article from Tom And Teddy about some of the adventures I have undertaken with my Father. Great fun working with this company.
Atlantic Row
The more time that has passed since finishing the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic challenge, the fonder my memories are of it. After stepping off the boat, having just broken the world record and won the 5-man race, the only thing I could reflect on was the pain, fatigue and arguments within the crew. With hindsight, the … Read more
The Ocean 5 are rowing the Pacific Ocean in 2024
Exciting announcement! The Ocean 5 are rowing the Pacific Ocean in 2024. After the team’s incredible feat breaking the world record for fastest 5-man team to row across the Atlantic, we thought, why stop there? We are hoping to set another record and beat the current fastest time to row across the Pacific. We will … Read more